Shopping in style


Tips for SHOPPING: even on a low budget

Good afternoon guys, I hope you are all well and keeping safe and staying warm. Most of you are back to your normal working lives, so i’ve got an exciting blog for you all to have a look at, either at home or work…Hopefully not at work ahaha.

Today I will be covering, ‘you guessed it!’ Shopping tips for you right at your fingertips.

We all know that shopping can be a very daunting task at certain times, and whether it be for reasons such as the weather, queues, lack of money or because you are feeling damn lazy… nah! Just pulling your leg on that one ahaha!!! I find that being alone or with my significant other, I’m able to focus more. It gives me time to think my purchases through and make the right decisions. Online shopping is very easy to do and saves so much time, yet there are several risks you take in doing so, therefore I prefer shopping in stores.

Tips for when I go shopping:

  1. Shop for bargains

It never hurts to go straight for the clearance rack when shopping in a store, this doesn’t mean you are a crazy coupon lady, it just means you are shopping with experience to find items you love for a fraction of the price and no one would be able to tell the difference. Be smart to find items that are less expensive and on sale to save yourself money and time.

2.Choose quality pieces

When you are shopping always take the quality of the pieces and the practicality into consideration . You basically want to buy items you can reuse in multiple ways (mix and match) as well as the styles, buy something that’s not going to deteriorate every time you wash it. Choose items that you need rather than you want in order to assure you will wear it and get the most out of that item of clothing.

3.Shop out of season.

One of the best times to shop for discounts on expensive pieces is ‘off season’. Buying coats and jackets at the beginning of summer or shirts at the beginning of winter would be the perfect time to score on sales. Yes, you might have to wait in anticipation and curse for a bit because you have to wait another 6 months, but believe you me, it will be well worth it! You will have saved loads of money and will be able to enjoy your summer vacation a lot more, and not to mention you being ahead of the game every season.

4. Consider your clothes at home

You will definitely run into trouble pairing your wardrobe together if nothing matches. An Easy way to fix this would be to buy clothes that compliment each other in color, pattern, shape and size. Rather spend your money on items that are versatile than ‘one hit wonders!’. Get the best for your money and don’t just buy to have volume at home! Shop smartly!

I hope you all enjoyed this blog on how to shop smartly and I hope you have found this interesting and informative to say the least.

Unitl next time, Buona Giornata and stay safe out there…


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